Skirt--- H&M
Flats--- Cathy Jean
I FINALLY have time to edit some thing for my blog. School has been really rough these days, especially with all the tests coming up, which explains why I haven't been on for so long. My birthday was last week (April 26), so I'm 15 now! I don't want to grow up. =( It's been getting really hot in southern California, so time to bust out the dresses and skirts! I promise more posts really soon. <3
Thanks for reading!
-Angela ^~^
P.S. For those of you taking the AP tests this week and next week, good luck! =D
This outfit is giving me so much summer vibes! You look really pretty in a ponytail, and I love the skirt. I think I'm gonna dress like you this summer, I just love your outfits so much! And if I'm not too late, happy birthday! I just turned fourteen three days ago, and even though I love birthdays (and cake), they kinda suck too. Good luck on your exams, and I can't wait to have you back here on your blog xx